Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Bird Life

Dear All, 

There is nothing better than a Parrot on a Panic day. 

Sincerely, Thread

Monday, 26 November 2012

Over Rain

it's no biggie

Dear Londoners, 

Just so you all know rain is the root of all evils. 

Sincerely, Thread

Monday, 5 November 2012

HELL yes

Dear Attention to Detail, 

Its no secret that i sodding LOVE a coat and this one is seriously floating my boat. Starling white, oversized, satin....CHIC. 

Sincerely, Thread

Image sourced, SS

The 'Every Element' Of Chloe

Dear Sharp - Eyed

I know i have chatted about the bag already but really, its every element. From frills to flats, shorts to cutaway. Shoes to Harems. ALL.

Sincerely, Thread

Image sourced, SS

Saturday, 3 November 2012


Dear Impact-ers,

You make me dizzy my head is spinning....Apologies, just couldn't resist. 

Sincerely, Thread

Image sourced, VW

Friday, 2 November 2012

Friday Furs

Dear Fuuur-abulous People,

God i love a cheesy introduction. All things aside, it's friday, its cold, its all about keeping warm. Enter Fur. Throw a fit if you want but this pink mink is wonderful. 

Sincerely, Thread

Image sourced, FGR

Thursday, 1 November 2012

The Aftermath

Dear practising goths, 

There is nothing like a bit of black the day after halloween.

Sincerely, Thread

Image sourced, FGR