Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Hermes Desperation

Desperation is desperate, i am desperate, desperate for Hermes accessories, why not whip out a wrist full of fabulous and necessary frivolities. Hermes, you can do no wrong.


The shorts to beat all shorts

Lace like

Monday, 9 May 2011

Superhero Haute Couture

I know, I know mere pocket change. Oh what i would do to be a Givenchy Superhero...

A lot, if anyone wants to test me?

Blu-tiful i-D

Stella Tennant for i-D

Hemmerle's Delicious Jewels

GOD do i want these jewels - Over the top, in your face and stuffed full of jewels they are frankly DELICIOUS
There is also a book, hello?!
