Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Shall we take a trip to the circus

I couldn't not post these rather wonderful pictures from a book that i am frankly GAGGING for 'Circus 1870 - 1950' by Taschen. I spent at least 2 hours ignoring the furtive glances from the book man whilst flicking through it on the weekend. Its full of the bizarre and the wonderful people, stories and facts. I would do anything to run away to the circus and wear sparkly shoes, a spangly costume and feather headdress, my idea of heaven.

Friday, 13 November 2009

I have a bit if a crush on the Stella collection

Feathers and Fun

I do love this picture, feathers are frankly fabulous and it looks like they are having so much fun.


Friday, 30 October 2009

Ship ahoy...or something boat related

My Two New Capes

Two finds that were indeed that 'FINDS' and they bring so much happiness and joy, anything to do with the thirties makes me buzz around like a manic bee of excitement.

Thursday, 29 October 2009


A picture to make you smile.


Bows Bows and More Bows

I have gone a little bonkers over these Chloe shoes! I have visions of sitting in chiffon having tea and petite coloured cakes a la Marie Antoinette...Bliss

Monday, 26 October 2009

Just a gush

Breathe i have to tell myself, just breathe, i mean how wonderful is this shot by photographer Javier Vallhonrat for Vogue? The colours, the accessories....i could go on for hours but i won't.

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Fashion weeks coming to an end and i have been incredibly un-attentive to my little blog, but having spent a weekend in the throws of vintage heaven at a fair that meant my poor wallet got a fair bashing i had to post a picture of an amazing hair piece that i got for a SERIOUS bargain price. A costume piece from the twenties it is now going to remain firmly on my head. Oh and the silk men's shirt was a skip of a find also....oh heaven.